Welcome to Pack 25's website! We are a Cub Scout pack chartered by Regents School of Austin and serve boys K-5th grade. Normally, our Pack meets monthly and individual Dens meet regularly based on scout schedules. We have lots of fun activities each year and look forward to having your son join the pack! If your family is part of the Regents School of Austin community, then our Charter allows your son to be a part of Pack 25. For more information about our Pack, see the "About Us" tab at the left, under "Menu".
FALL 2023 SEMESTER UPDATE...It is time to start Scouting. Returning scouts...pay the 2023-2024 Dues, and let's get started. $175 to Venmo @Pack-25. New scouts...register below, and pay dues.
Den Leaders
K, Lion Den, Mark Santos
1st, Tiger Den, John Briley
2nd, Wolf Den, Stephen Staniforth and John Ellis
3rd, Bear Den, Kevin Bell and Andrew Crump
4th, Webelos I Den, John Ellis
5th, Webelos II / Arrow of Light Den, Warren and Shelley Bernis
NEW SCOUTS... You can conveniently register as a new Scout by following this link: **Register for Pack 25** This will complete your registration with BSA, and afterwards please pay Pack 25 annual dues of $95 to Venmo @Pack-25. If you have any problems or questions please feel free to contact our Committee Chairs, Karen Dallman and Melissa Paxton at regentspack25@gmail.com, or Jen Santos jensantos11112@gmail.com. We look forward to a great year of scouting!
Pack Leadership
Cubmaster, John Ellis
Assistant Cubmaster,
Committee Chair, Karen Dallman and Melissa Paxton
Membership / Rechartering Chair, Jill Williamson and Jen Santos
Advancement Chair, Patti Hixon and Michelle Berkey
Treasurer, Kristie Canow and Phillip Endsley